McKenzie Long

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Goodbye Raspberry Pi 3

The Raspberry Pi that was powering my house number has died. Sadly, a power outage managed to ruin the SD card I had the software running on. I don’t have any surge protection on the house number Pi, so I guess this was kind of expected.

Cyberpunk 2077 Cemented a Generations Legacy

CD Projekt Red launched their oft delayed sci-fi first person role playing game on December 10th, 2020. The game hit basically every platform, including Stadia, where I spent my 70 or so hours in Night City. In short, the game was under cooked, and the marketing team was clearly not pitching the same game the developers were making.

Goodnight Polymer Project

With the release of Lit 2.0, the Polymer Project has entered maintenance mode. The project was a push forward for web components by a team at Google, and came with a pretty high quality set of Material components. The world of web components look a lot different now than they did six years ago, and we probably have a lot of that thanks to the Polymer Project.

Learning to Cook

One of the many advantages of spending a year working from home, was that removing the commute time from my day left me with a ton of energy. That extra energy meant that I was able to pick up another new hobby over the year: cooking.

The Medium

The Medium is an Xbox Series and PC exclusive, released by Bloober Team in early 2021. The game launched day one on Game Pass, and was met with some middling reviews. Having just got my hands on a Series X console, and considering that the series consoles took more of a cross gen approach for the launch, I was more than happy to jump into a game that was developed with the Series consoles in mind.

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