McKenzie Long


Goodnight Polymer Project

With the release of Lit 2.0, the Polymer Project has entered maintenance mode. The project was a push forward for web components by a team at Google, and came with a pretty high quality set of Material components. The world of web components look a lot different now than they did six years ago, and we probably have a lot of that thanks to the Polymer Project.

Bitbucket Continuous Deployment

With the recent news that GitHub Actions will now be supporting continuous deployment for free, I figured I would try my hand at setting up some continuous deployment for my site. As of writing, my site is hosted on Firebase using their generous free tier, what little javascript code that runs on my site is vanilla paired with Material Web Components, the site itself is a Hugo static site, and my source code is stored with Bitbucket.

Progressive Enhancements

Over the last little while I have been slowly adding in bits and pieces to improve the site. Most of these are recommendations from Web fonts Web fonts are expensive, and their initial load can be quite costly. Traditionally, web fonts will render invisible text on load 🙀.