McKenzie Long


I am a developer that currently spends most of my time working with Angular and ASP.NET.

About this site

This site exists solely due to a 2.99 domain purchase. For about half a year it contained only one glorious gif of Derek Zoolander’s versatility. As good as that was, I finally figured that I should put something here.

This is a static site with some Javascript features tacked on. The site was generated using a Hugo skeleton called Victor Hugo. It packages in webpack, making it easy to bundle up an enriched site. A full CMS seemed overkill for what I wanted, and a static site generator seemed like a much more reasonable fit.

Since I wanted to target ES6, I had to make a few modifications to the skeleton - for example swapping out UglifyJS for Terser. After that was all done I opted for the material web components to help make everything look a little more fancy. The material web components degrade nicely when javascript is disabled and don’t create a large javascript bundle (or at least in the limited capacity that I am using them).

Stuff that I am currently working on that I might never finish:

Some games I am playing: